Friday, September 10, 2021



Top Mefeedia Videos 2010 Greenhouse Effect Mixtape 'Precarious' #Twitter. from Greenhouse Effect Boryja force on Vimeo.

93,579 Views - In September 2009, Greenhouse Effect achieved a very important personal goal for Los Angeles Top Musician Clark Hagins. The Goal you ask ?? 10,000 Twitter Followers. "We got our 10,000th Twitter follower at One of our many Twitter accounts, but in reality, We really have over 63,000 Followers because we have like 33 different accounts,...its hard work" says Hagins. The pressure is always on Haggins because he is probably Los Angeles's "Most seen" musician along with his other band-mates Bassist Rick Carmody and others as his band is always loaded at the very tops of all search engines with the Net's Top tracks of indie music from "Brandy" to the classic "22nd Street" and "Coke Snortin' Love Boyz". "We get seen a lot - way more than any other band,...its attracted the attention of several Cable TV Networks,..among them Halogen and others,...People want us to go do a brand new album but I am now nearly 50 years old and I am a swimming Pool cleaner kinda stuck in 'that' life,..I doubt seriously today that I could pull off another song like "Brandy" in the studio although I am very intrigued by this new idea for "The Famous on TV",...that's this new track I've been fuckin' around with..." Hagins says that the Potential for the Halogen Tv Show could produce a windfall of itunes mp3 music sales for G.e. that the band badly needs; "Well,..My wife and I ,..we watch a lot of Halogen Tv here with our new Cable Company Time Warner Cable in San Diego's North County,..I could really improve their Tv network, needs to be more gritty and hip and there is nothing more hip online with people than G.e." 10,000 Twitter Followers isn't a small thing in an era where some of Mtv's biggest Hip Hop artists only have 900 or so; "We are a big band online,...we are like this huge phenomenon where websites and businesses fight to link and exchange with us or just be word associated with us, know yer big when even porn wants to be near you" says Hagins. "I've been tryin' to convince Halogen Tv to let me do it all my way and let me be 100% completely in charge of my project,...They will get big ratings if they listen to me" says Higgins. - Guitarist Clark Haggins Blogs about his band's ability to get 'heard' on the Web and the importance of Jango Internet Radio and other Web Radios such as Pandora. "The key to something Like Jango.Radio or Last.Fm, Pandora, and all these is ya gotta have good songs first and foremost,.....if yer Songs suck, then its really not gonna matter what you do. You gotta have a good recording too. If you have a song or a demo that sounds like a piece of shit,...then Jango and alot of these are probably not gonna wanna play it,...and even if they did,...a potential new "Fan" or Twitter follower is probably gonna wanna change the channel,..just like a TV...." - For many consecutive years, the Greenhouse Effect Song "Brandy" (and other songs of theirs) have been able to fight their way to the tops of search engines and into constant rotation at Jango and Pandora. "Our Song sells itself,...because it's a great song,..we got lucky there when we wrote that one,...a lot of people say that it doesn't even sound like a typical Greenhouse Effect Song,...but then again,..what does ??" says Hagins. "I would recommend at Jango, if yer an artist there,...don't let people just 'play' yer song at yer profile,..instead rather,..let them "add" it,...that way , you will get into more playlists and stations, will become 'preferred' more, will add up to A LOT of Airplay" Hagins and the band's Management Team say that "Brandy" is responsible for "about 75%" of G.e's success in cyberspace. "We are known primarily for one song,...but we got other good tunes,..its not like we're a complete one hit wonder on here,...When people see me in the street, they always comment on Brandy but some have said it's really not our best Song in reality,..but it 'is' the one that the web seems to like and that Jango and Pandora seem to 'use' to get listeners to their network sites,....I would advise bands to stick firmly with just one indie radio site,...Jango is the biggest and the best, is sorta like a version of Myspace or Youtube in it's own rite,...Pandora forces you to 'mail them' a cd and as we all in bands know - 'that' is a big hassle , Jango, just upload songs,..its easy,...its sorta like i-sound or ,..or one of those,...all of those millions of little 'indie' so called web radio sites are sorta a waste of time,....yer better off just sticking at Jango,...if you get into a zillion different little sites - and i mean places like Echoboost,..well,..if you got a lot'a money sittin' around to burn ,...then maybe,...but i think it's more likely that you'll just go insane at night,....just get yer band onto Jango Radio,...and stick with one -'that' one !!" Haggins says that Last.FM has in recent years become kind of a hassle. "I used to love LAST.FM but they mix bands profiles together and they do some weird shit,..i admit that i rarely go there really anymore,...there and Pandora"... - Hagins says that if You are an indie band that the odds of getting on to a Real Fm dial Radio Station like KROQ FM or KLOS FM In Los Angeles are at best slim to none. "A lot of those so called 'real' radio stations are just shills for the Record Labels , lawyers, and Hollywood,..theres a lot of shady shit goin' on where there are back room 'pay offs and payola' no better than back in the 60's,...I'm sorry but thats just the way it is and would be great if you can manage to get your band played on them,...but you probably gotta be on some major label or lndie label that gets big cred and respect,...but i would say that a good band that likes it's own independent sound and image would have to adapt and change too much,....and that can be a bad thing,...all in the name of airplay,..its not worth it ,...but....theres really Great good news though now !! - These days in 2009 and 2010, the ratings for real FM Dial Radios have really fallen, fact many of them are struggling to stay afloat and are going off the air too ... ,..EVERYDAY,.....THE REALITY IS now, more people listen to Jango Radio than they do listen to a station like say KROQ FM,....A LOT of new bands are really gettin' discovered and getting their sound 'out-there",....I would say that technically, its probably more important to have a hit song at Jango than at KLOS, POWER 106, or Kroq FM,....because now, nobody is listening to those three anymore,...not nearly as much anyway,...the web has taken over, a vehicle, things like Talk Radio on the AM DIAL in people's cars - Stuff Like Michael Savage and Hannity,....nevermind the fact that a lot of today's pop music sucks,..I mean just watch the Grammys if ya don't believe me, all sounds the same and it's boring,...things like Rap music have been a God-send to guys like me,...people get sick of Rap and they listen to Songs like Brandy by Greenhouse Effect - So it all works out well" ---------- "22nd Street" is the Soaring classic from G.e's 1991 epic cd "Going Legit" which was an album Simply recorded by Haggins and Bassist Rick Carmody alone in the studio; "They Shoulda just signed me long ago" says Hagins "Now,..I'm one pissed off hombre,......I won't stop until i take over EVERYTHING,.....I see my Google Stats n shit at Webilizers,...I get big plays, gives me alotta fuckin' confidence,....I know I got good shit" - Rock City Productions Pro Management SuperNetCelebrities.Com ============== "Big TEEN Dollar$" is the Hillariously ironic Song and anthem from August 1992 that Clark Hagins wrote over the long hot 92' summer while mowing lawns "up in Bel Air" and "talking to himself" for inspiration and "coaching"; "Bel Air was a very beautiful place,...I worked for this wealthy Arab at Owlwood Estates - that's where Tony Curtis and Sony and Cher once lived,....and Jane Mansfield lived next door at the big "Pink House" on Carolwood, the time, Englebert Humperdink lived there next door,....and Marylin Monroe once lived in our Dog House,..where we kept the German sheperds,...Molly, Marko, and Midnight,....Some people suggested that her ghost was in there (Laughs),....I remember those beautiful hot Beverly Hills afternoons and drinking my 40 of beer....I don't drink now though,..i'm 45 years old,..." - Backing Vocals ; Jeff Crisfield, Bill Krodel, Mark Nathanson - Remainder; Clark Hagins. Idea for Song conceived in Redondo Beach at 251. Lyrics @ www.LyricsMode.Com - SuperNetCelebrities.Com

6,432,045 Views - GREENHOUSE EFFECT PRECARIOUS ( 1988 ) - This explosive little song was worked on extensively by the 3 piece G.e. through 1986 and 1987 / 88',.. before finally being recorded proper at Gardena California's SOUTH BAY SOUND STUDIO IN February 1988. "Precarious was a Phil Keegan Guitar idea and it sounds a bit similar maybe to Black Dog by Led Zep" Says Clark Hagins in 2013 At BlipTv Videos for ROCK CITY PRODUCTIONS; "The band had worked on this idea long before I was with the group ,.. they jammed with this real amazing drummer from Torrance CA named Rich Hebben ,.. but one day he had to quit the band to go to cooking school ,.. or somethin' like that,.. and that's when I took over the drumming ,.. and the rest is rock n' roll history !!" barks Hagins. Hagins himself was a pretty well known drummer around town in the "South Bay" area of Redondo Beach and Torrance California and his style went perfect with the explosive guitar riffs from Keegan as Phil usually played his Strat for Precarious ,.. saving his red Les Paul for cuts like Deep Purple's "Wring that Neck" and others; "GREENHOUSE EFFECT have become pretty famous on the web now and for like ten years" Says Haggins. "But most people just know BEN IS DEAD and "Waiting for your Love to Fail!" and STAR and Brandy ,... well ,..  I AM trying to change all that now by spending more time writing about the "early" important material from 1987 and '88" says Hagins. "PRECARIOUS" cuts out of the speakers with force and POWER as this little muddy sounding "Grunge" tune seems to be "starting a whole new style" unto itself !! "Precarious is the beginnings of the Mighty G.e" says Hagins. "Without the energy of that song ,.. and NUMBER ONE ,..from 1988 ,.. I feel today, there would be barely any memories at all of G.e" The song hits with a bit of an "underground' "indie rock" heavy attack and Hagins' awesome drumming seems to explode right alongside Keegan's brilliant guitar playing,.. "This song is one of my all time G.e. favorites ,..a bit of Sabbath a bit of The Who and maybe some Rush ,.. and not just because it is an 'early' track ,..but because it displays such 'VISION" A VISION FOR THE FUTURE OF ROCK N ROLL !!" Extols Hagins. More than just a drummer, Hagins amazing lead vocals here are dynamic and he swears that G.e. always played this song very tight live as their three piece set up at every early Gig and beyond; "This song usually opened the set and it was a pure highlight of an hours worth of killer shit to come!" says Hagins. Along with the whole dynamic within the power of this little track come some witty words of lyrics from Hagins as he narrates a "Mini story" here that seems to be about God judging a man in the afterlife; "I think it was metaphoric ,.. it is really about eating at Subway and getting ripped off because they put on not enough meat!" ( Laughs ) Says Hagins. Before "Precarious", Hagins had been a solo artist 22 and 23 years old ,.. ,... all alone himself at SOUTH BAY SOUND ,.. and tooling his own demo tapes as he worked on early vocal and lyrics ideas ,.. "I think I took lyrics to that next level when I got into G.e. and weirdly ,.. my sad childhood and family life began to spill out with G,e too" says Hagins. "The lyrics were actually starting to become Poetry."  
Hagins constantly has to say that G.e were 'some kind of innovators for their time ,..  and how it is so important." I would mail out my tapes and these very Pro Glossy pictures of the band ,..We weren't heavy metal yet we existed right during the LA Sunset Strip Scene shit,.. but we were another type of music and their were labels analyzing us carefully ,.. But don't ask me how ,..but we never got signed , eventually ,. I had to team up with others and form my own Music label." Today THE GREENHOUSE EFFECT HAVE found major internet success ,.. "We were inventors of not just a sound but also a "Lifestyle" a way to dress ,.. We wore no make up ,.no tattoos ,. We were regular humans in T Shirts rocking and WE WERE WAY BEFORE ALL THE OTHERS !!" exclaims Hagins in 2013 at BlipTV.  

Greenhouse Effect PRECARIOUS ( 1988 ) BMI

So what can I do for you?
You say You'd like your soul saved
Suddenly you believe in me
Now that we're standing face to face
I didn't give you a fair chance
With My precarious human race
You were fair game
Farce human test
It took you so long boy'
You (or I) figured why waste your (or My) breath
What took you so long boy
... is you just never asked...
Who in the world pushed you
So down that you couldn't get up?
Who in the world buried you
So deep that you couldn't dig out?
Who in the world told you
That you'll never... wake up?
Who in the world killed you?
Who in the world killed you?
Please Jesus please!!
Oh God... not You too
This has got to be a nightmare
Because I expect only love
From You...
Everybody's abandoned me
I'm just a lonely lonely lad
... And You're the only real friend
This boy ever had...

c 1988

c 1984 To 2021.
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  Top Mefeedia Videos 2010 Greenhouse Effect Mixtape 'Precarious' #Twitter. from Greenhouse Effect Boryja ...